Important Announcement Regarding COVID-19 Cancellations
In keeping with the national and global response to the current public health emergency, we are canceling our regular 1st and 3rd Thursday Sitting Meditation and Dharma Reading / Dharma Sharing gatherings until further notice, including canceling the gathering formerly scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2020.
As we are all continuing to learn, the more we can limit or eliminate proximity to other people, the more we will help contain the spread of COVID-19 such that it does not wildly exceed our health care system's capacity to provide the care that will be needed. Practicing at home rather than in community is one way we can do this. Insight Meditation Society is offering shared online practice through its Facebook Live page as a way of supporting practice and community. IMS also has these words of guidance:
We also encourage you to consider a home retreat; while the experience may not be the same as an IMS retreat, the development of wisdom and compassion is more important than ever and these characteristics can be cultivated in any location, and at any time. Resources to support your home practice are available at
You might also consider engaging in a daily metta practice. The coronavirus has already taken the lives of many beings, and many more – near and far – are suffering at this time.
We will provide updates if they are needed, i.e., when it is safe to resume our twice monthly gatherings. Because this crisis will almost certainly continue to demand our shared attention and vigilance, including minimizing unnecessary contact, for the next several weeks, and probably the next several months, we anticipate suspending meetings for quite some time.
Please feel free to write to us, including with ideas about nourishing practice and community in these challenging times. Please also feel free to use this IMCP Facebook page as a place for our community to connect online for those so inclined.